Cyprus Business Database
SooPage is a professional and free Cyprus business directory website,We index and show Cyprus companies detailed information
Looking for a Cyprus Business? The online business directory lists more than 19273 companies or businesses.
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Cyprus Companies List
Address:1 Naousis,KARAPATAKIS BLDG 6018 Larnaka Tel:24668800 (+357-24668800)
Address:37 Stasinou,Flat 12 2003 Strovolos Tel:22378897 (+357-22378897)
Address:5 Ioanni N Marsellou,MEGARO KALLI 6018 Larnaka Tel:24626511 (+357-24626511)
Address:107B Omonoias Ave,GEORGIOU,Shop 02 3045 Limassol Tel:25576644 (+357-25576644)
Address:10 Vladimirou Irakleous 8010 Paphos Tel:26936868 (+357-26936868)
Address:5L Pindarou 1060 Nicosia Tel:22344865 (+357-22344865)
Address:32C Spyrou Kyprianou 1075 Nicosia Tel:22759214 (+357-22759214)
Address:121A Prodromou 2064 Strovolos Tel:22661266 (+357-22661266)
Address:Evvoias,FRANGOS BLDG,Flat 102 6051 Larnaka Tel:24661192 (+357-24661192)
Address:Evvoias,FRANGOS BLDG,Flat 102,6051 Larnaka,Larnaka Tel:24662464 (+357-24662464)
Address:7 Kastorias,Flat 202,2002 Strovolos,Strovolos Tel:22511739 (+357-22511739)
Address:178A Giannou Kranidioti Ave 2235 Latsia Tel:22487540 (+357-22487540)
Address:19 Dromos Ar. 82,Shop 03 4153 Kato Polemidia Tel:25713821 (+357-25713821)
Address:Agiou Antoniou 4186 Ypsonas Tel:25711738 (+357-25711738)
Address:3 Poseidonos 2235 Latsia Tel:22487771 (+357-22487771)
Address:4C Chrysanthou Mylona,2014 Strovolos,Strovolos Tel:22313053 (+357-22313053)
Address:4C Chrysanthou Mylona 2014 Strovolos Tel:22421924 (+357-22421924)
Address:40 Themistokleous Dervi 1066 Nicosia Tel:22818717 (+357-22818717)
Address:14 M. Christoforou 2540 Dali Tel:22573777 (+357-22573777)
Address:34 Apollonos,1010 Nicosia,Nicosia Tel:22669209 (+357-22669209)